4chan, Facebook
We here at Guyism take our Internetting very seriously, and we strive to bring you only the best content the web has to offer. Thus, going forward we will be brining you the Most Viral Photos of the day (every day), as seen on Imgur, Tumblr and Facebook. If you see any photos you think should make it in to our weekly list be sure to submit them over to our Facebook page and we’ll be pleased to include them.
Feature Image Source
experimentalist, Imgur
Would you classify this as a ‘husky photobomb?’ source.
STPZ, Imgur
Or would you say that this is what truly defines a husky photobomb? source.
memeblock, Tumblr
I have just one question: Are you a wizard? source.
MemeCollection, Tumblr
If this requires skill then consider me Mozart reborn! source.
Danks4theLove, Imgur
Changing a lightbulb like a true college student. No regard for personal safety and no usable tools on hand. source.
PleatedJeans, Tumblr
One of the greatest perks of working from home? Getting to watch The Price Is Right every day at 11am. source.
JD3004, Imgur
One day Derek will get what he deserves, one day! source.
doesgaudexist, Tumblr
PRO-TIP: Don’t ever try anything this lame on a girl unless you’re below the age of 15. Source.
PowPowPowerCrystal, Imgur
As Seen On TV…..In West Virginia…. Blood oil is completely normal, right? RIGHT?!?!? source.
baltimoretom, Imgur
Just a friendly reminder that the Mayan calendar is coming to a close… source.
Unbelieverable, Imgur
This is what happens when you try and take a cute picture with a cat! Lesson learned? Never own a cat, or if you do then don’t take pictures with them. source.
memeblock, Tumblr
And this is what happens when you try and take a cute picture of a dog? Isn’t that just adorable! You can barely see it, not a nuisance at all! source.
hugelol, Facebook
People without glasses just don’t get it. source.
Metriste, Imgur
I’d stare at myself in the mirror for hours. Hours more than I already do. source.
bmxican1317, Imgur
Blows my mind that those things live over a hundred years. Want to troll your future family? Buy one now and give it to a grandchild when it’s 80 pounds and 50 years old. source.
sixty_six, Imgur
Something tells me this person leaving ‘school is for chumps’ graffiti would be quick to tell you how Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of school. To that person I say: k’eep in mind that you’re not likely to ever find Zuckerberg tagging up a bathroom.’ source.
Gary_the_Goatfucker, Imgur
And I’ll leave you all for the evening with this lovely take on the modern day Christmas Tree! source.
If you enjoyed this and want more amazing content then be sure to GO LIKE US ON FACEBOOK for an endless stream of hilarity! source.