4chan, Facebook
We here at Guyism take our Internetting very seriously, and we strive to bring you only the best content the web has to offer. Thus, going forward we will be brining you the Most Viral Photos of the day (every day), as seen on Imgur, Tumblr and Facebook. If you see any photos you think should make it in to our weekly list be sure to submit them over to our Facebook page and we’ll be pleased to include them.
Feature Image Source
HumorTrain, Tumblr
No time for talk, action must be taken. source.
niknak79, Tumblr
Is that girl even a country artist anymore? She’s on every radio station imaginable but it all seems to sound the same. Anyone care to explain the attraction? source.
When you overhear someone say that they’re a little husky. source.
carldewitt, Imgur
In defense of the student I think we’re all waiting for Gary Busey to truly erupt one day. source.
HumorTrain, Tumblr
You’re mortal enemies, why even bother calling to say hello Dog? source.
hugelol, Facebook
Honestly, who steals a plant? Scoundrels…. source.
skywalker2089, Imgur
Obviously this is the only reasonable way to deal with a spider in your toilet. source.
Brovah9000, Imgur
Would you say that those boobs look like feet or those feet look like boobs? source.
niknak79, Tumblr
And that was the day productivity would never be the same. source.
jonnovstheinternet, Tumblr
It’s not a trick question. source.
lipu-adam, Imgur
This puts that picture of me with my horse in front of a rainbow to shame. source.
Bbrowny, Imgur
My guess is someone hasn’t quite been hit by the Christmas Spirit yet. source.
AllDayWin, Imgur
I can’t decide if this is genius or complete stupidity. Either way this picture is as old as the Internet, but still manages to make me laugh! source.
TheyCallMeNasty8, Imgur
Well, what is it? source.
tastefullyoffensive, Tumblr
Why is this milk carton so damn polite? source.
kingpirate, Imgur
As a native Floridian I can confirm that owning a license plate like this is perfectly normal behavior. source.
noisyanxious, Imgur
Proof that you get what you pay for. source.
mongster2, Imgur
I’ll leave you for the evening with this difficult decision! Think hard! source.
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