GeorgeTakei, Facebook
We here at Guyism take our Internetting very seriously, and we strive to bring you only the best content the web has to offer. Thus, going forward we will be brining you the Most Viral Photos of the day (every day), as seen on Imgur, Tumblr and Facebook. If you see any photos you think should make it in to our weekly list be sure to submit them over to our Facebook page and we’ll be pleased to include them.
Feature Image Source
tastefullyoffensive, Tumblr
Prepare yourselves because for the next month and a half we’ll all be bombarded with a barrage of Christmas posts. source.
humortrain, tumblr
What I’m more caught up on is why anyone would be worried about a trip to the Grand Canyon? source.
collegecandy, Tumblr
Is this how you felt after graduation? source.
PennyLaane, Imgur
Greatest advertisement of all time? Or worst? source.
humortrain, Tumblr
You don’t see too many photobombing horses on the Internet, but when you do, they’re excellent. source.
Get9, Imgur
And it wasn’t even Halloween! source.
jediwizardrobot, Imgur
Dan can be such an ignoramus. source.
TattooedMommy, Facebook
Who needs ice anyways? source.
talk_show_hostess, Imgur
If you have a dog then you are probably very familiar with this face. In fact I’m looking at one right now. source.
futuremarine213, Imgur
Feeling bored this Winter? Go around and do this to a few cars in your neighborhood then stick around to watch the reaction. source.
humortrain, Tumblr
Way to improvise guys! It looks totally normal, I swear. source.
RavenMoses, Imgur
Someone takes Banana Nut waaaaay too seriously. source.
memecollection, Tumblr
Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle… source.
Chubb47, Imgur
MIND = BLOWN! source.
Flipflopflapjack, Imgur
Every guy should have his fridge stocked full of this. source.
Schroefdop, Imgur
In English Beijing = BJ, just saying. source.
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