In today’s Must See Imagery we have some truly hilarious demotivational posters, phenomenal cleavage, and more! Aggregating content from the web’s hottest sources: Facebook, Tumblr, Imgur (often via Reddit), amongst others, we’re able to save you those precious man hours that can be used for things like grilling red meat, or wondering who the hell that sexy girl was in that commercial you just saw. If you come across any photos you think should be included in this daily feature then head on over HERE and post them to our Facebook wall, and I’ll be sure to include them (provided they don’t suck, and you actually understand what funny is).
Miracle product.
But is it in California?
This is a lie.
I approve of this message.
This guy straight up nailed it.
Star Wars potato.
Thumbs up to save a life?
Come on Jésus, just look!
Dude, no.
If ‘facepalm’ is what you’re looking for we’ve got that covered too.
Yeah, shut your pie hole Ben.
Not feeling well? Well, screw you.
I’m currently listening to a song called ‘fried neckbones and some homefries,’ so I can’t really think of anything to write here other than how in the hell did this guy think someone was shaving a gun into his head?
This has to be in Canada, right?
Fight it out in the comments.
Spot on battle of the sexes.
Turn around boys, turn around.
I’m sure that wasn’t a costly mistake at all…
Your fame is up.
Sort of in disbelief that he hasn’t fallen off the face of the planet into obscurity yet.
Yeah, what that guy said.
Huskies FTW!
The happiest birthday ever.
Save yourself the money, and time.
Barney FTW!
Catch you all tomorrow!
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