In today’s Must See Imagery we take a walk through everything you might have missed this week, including some phenomenal cleavage, animals with complicated love stories, and more! Aggregating content from the web’s hottest sources: Facebook, Tumblr, Imgur (often via Reddit), amongst others, we’re able to save you those precious man hours that can be used for things like grilling red meat, or wondering who the hell that sexy girl was in that commercial you just saw. If you come across any photos you think should be included in this daily feature then head on over HERE and post them to our Facebook wall, and I’ll be sure to include them (provided they don’t suck, and you actually understand what funny is).
Yes, a helping hand.
Aka, how to burn 1,000 calories at lunch.
If you don’t know by now, we here at Guyism are proponents of rolling grass.
Dude, no.
Said nobody ever.
Greatest farm sign of all-time?
This is an alarming trend.
Somehow this made my mouth water for some crappy Natty Ice.
Double entendre.
But seriously, how do you get your truck off afterwards? And why didn’t that mud give away?
Spider Man, what is that?
Sometimes thingy just sounds better than widget, right?
Everyone turned to see what I was doing….
Don’t stare him in the eyes, he’ll take it as a sign of aggression.
Anyone care to test this hypothesis?
Looks pretty damn effective to me.
Just trying to get the attention of the girl next door, we’ve all been there dude.
Just some conventional wisdom from Malcolm in the Middle.
Why do they sound so menacing when talking about a step ladder?
I don’t even know if I can handle this much class at once.
I must find and purchase one of these.
It’s akin to drivers flashing their lights at one another.
It’ll be ok son.
Why wasn’t my senior quote this epic? Oh, I know, I’m not funny and will never be funny.
You learn something new every day, right?
Take off the mask dog, you’re no platypus.
The whitest picture I’ve seen all week.
And they intend on staring at you until they get it.
So you better start now, right?
We’ve all used this excuse.
Got an itch? A fire hydrant is just what you need!
He’s also a talented architect.
Facebook/Anything Goes Party
Or greatest idea ever?
You just put the water into a metal bowl and place it in the microwave, right?
Because who wants a sunburn?
Didn’t we already learn about this in that movie The Matrix with the actor from Point Break?
Moral of the story: do something interesting. Also, I’m a hypocrite and don’t take my own advice.
This is a lesson best learned at a very young age.
The woman of my dreams.
Planking is still a thing?
Is this mean? It’s funny right? Am I just insensitive? Are they in a gang?
Is this the final level of life?
It was all downhill from there.
Cats, ugh.
Dogs > Cats
Pink Starbursts FTW!
Improper usages of memes just anger me, but somehow I’m ok with this one.
Creepiest cat lady ever.
‘Murica FTW!
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