In today’s Must See Imagery we have some hilarious pets, photobombs, and more! Aggregating content from the web’s hottest sources: Facebook, Tumblr, Imgur (often via Reddit), amongst others, we’re able to save you those precious man hours that can be used for things like grilling red meat, or wondering who the hell that sexy girl was in that commercial you just saw. If you come across any photos you think should be included in this daily feature then head on over HERE and post them to our Facebook wall, and I’ll be sure to include them (provided they don’t suck, and you actually understand what funny is).
How to properly define a mullet.
Dogs > Cats
This seems almost intentional.
Facebook/Clean Funny Pics
This basically accounts for 99.9% of the quotes you’ll see on the Internet. 99.9% of those that weren’t compiled be me in my weekly POPULAR QUOTES feature. Go check it out.
No way in hell that guy’s a bodybuilder, right?
Finally some shopping that doesn’t look miserable.
Hooray for him?
Have you ever seen a happier car in your lifetime?
Sometimes it takes a massive fail to really unlock the power of a picture.
This has to be Mother Russia, right?
Perhaps the funniest Superman related pic I’ve ever seen. Seen funnier? Drop it in the comments so I can tell you how wrong you are.
Just a dude taking his bear for a stroll at the beach, nothing weird about this.
It’d be a lot more hilarious if he was shooting water from his spout.
How much more interesting would Star Wars have been if he’d have been honest from the first movie?
Well obviously you run, I don’t understand the point of this picture. What jackass would just stand there and be attacked by a bear?
Every day of my life.
The world would be such a better place.
It was the greatest high five in the history of man kind.
Aren’t seals just hilarious?
That’s all it takes, eh?
Sometimes you can’t help but just update a status, it’s just out of your self control.
Emma Watson is royalty.
I’m willing to bet both bears have drank their own piss.
Pug Life.
Good luck getting down.
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