niknak79, Tumblr
We here at Guyism take our Internetting very seriously, and we strive to bring you only the best content the web has to offer. Thus, going forward we will be brining you the Most Viral Photos of the day (every day), as seen on Imgur, Tumblr and Facebook. If you see any photos you think should make it in to our weekly list be sure to submit them over to our Facebook page and we’ll be pleased to include them.
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This is precisely how shooting guns for my first time went as well. I later became a riflery instructor, take that world. source.
Dwavico, Imgur
That awkward moment when you realize that you’re Peter Pan and your shadow has a better life than you do. source.
UnlawfulHumor, Facebook
Especially after a night of drinking… source.
VeronicaVaughn22, Imgur
Teaching children to love snakes one terrifying experience at a time. source.
4MiHO, Facebook
I’m guessing he’s not intelligent enough to know that tattoos can be removed, just a hunch though… source.
ffaorlandu, Imgur
Trick Photography level: Wal-Mart. source.
4MiHO, Facebook
Whatever, epic cleavage is present, let them slurp a little water first. source.
iamfromreallife, Quickmeme
Be sure to check out more of the Actual Advice Mallard here! source.
dontpokethebear, Facebook
Aren’t they just the loveliest couple? Things are getting weird up in Canada, huh? source. via
FunnyJunk, Facebook
How to Please a Woman may be the longest book in history, but luckily it’s all fiction so you don’t have to bother reading. source.
sickoldman123, Imgur
This is perhaps the most effective responsible drinking message I’ve ever seen in my life. source.
FunnyJunk, Facebook
Have you ever seen such a perfectly timed photo in your life? source.
Deathbymoshing, Imgur
This is the sad state of Instagram these days apparently? source.
Ifuckinglovescience, Facebook
Which would you choose? source. via phdcomics.
EU4IAN, Imgur
Four people said what now? source.
HatersPage, Facebook
Oh God, that belly, why? The juxtaposition of the boobs and sign is hilarious, but funny enough to keep looking? source.
Realitisaurus, Imgur
This gentlemen is how you successfully photobomb obnoxious pre-teens at an amusement park. source.
FunnyJunk, Facebook
Am I seriously the only person on the Internet who doesn’t have a serious problem with Comic Sans? source.
JohnDaly, Imgur
You guys like my new lift kit? I swear I’m not compensating for anything, especially not a small….vocabulary… source.
OnlyForMen, Facebook
As a born and raised Floridian I can confirm that the craziness of the citizens is only out weighed by the hotness of girls always in beach-ready shape. source.
dynalil, Imgur
Eating ice cream while exercising, clearly this girl has figured out life. source.
onlyformen, Facebook
I’m almost half way through life and I’ve never even changed a tire, rock on little dude. source.
cleanfunnypics, Facebook
Well played kid, one step and they’d have to amputate a foot. source.
Bootleg_Fireworks, Imgur
Sorry bud but that beverage shield won’t stop guys from hitting on your hot girlfriend, deal with it. source.
4chan, Facebook
One of the biggest First World Problems in existence. source.
albatross49, Imgur
One of the oldest pictures on the Internet but it never ceases to amuse me. source.
4chan, Facebook
If you’re not familiar with Snoopy Babe check ‘em out here. source.
niknak79, Tumblr
Actual pain? Not so sure about that. Extremely annoying, yes. Pain? No. source.
meme-rage, Tumblr
Is Hot Topic still a thing? Do middle schoolers still exist? source.
azzpuzzy, Tumblr
What an interesting relationship you have here with your horse…. source.
memecollection, Tumblr
This is basically how I feel whilst playing any game on an iPad. Like Jack from Titanic. source.
makemelaugh, Tumblr
Sadly this couldn’t be more true. source.
humortrain, Tumblr
Vodka time it is. Catch you all tomorrow! source.
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