niknak79, Tumblr
We here at Guyism take our Internetting very seriously, and we strive to bring you only the best content the web has to offer. Thus, going forward we will be brining you the Most Viral Photos of the day (every day), as seen on Imgur, Tumblr and Facebook. If you see any photos you think should make it in to our weekly list be sure to submit them over to our Facebook page and we’ll be pleased to include them.
Feature Image Source
4chan, Facebook
This girl wins all the prizes, if there were prizes. source.
mangipng, Imgur
Nervous? Don’t rip off your label, it won’t help and it’ll just make you look nervous. source.
Dirty Girls & Naughty Boys, Facebook
This couldn’t be more accurate. source.
fuck sensitivity, Facebook
Every. Damn. Time. source.
bigbadbush, Imgur
This is fact. source.
TheDude9737 Imgur
Don’t fall asleep or you’ll be next. source.
fuck sensitivity, Facebook
Nothing weird about this house, right? source.
niknak79, Tumblr
But who doesn’t love corn on the cob? source.
bermanphotos, Imgur
Best way to fix a dent. source.
memecollection, Tumblr
This is me IRL. source.
4chan, Facebook
How you play Tekken in the Third World. source.
freym, Imgur
Request or present? I can’t tell. source.
Not-even-in-flames, Imgur
How do I get this man’s job? Source.
isduofwee, Imgur
Think of it this way: by thte time she’s old enough to realize it wasn’t a pony you can burn the pictures! source.
PoisonPanty, Imgur
Santa was so good to me this year guys! source.
memeblock, Tumblr
What is this planet coming to? source.
Judd9mm, Imgur
Yes, this is on my desk. source.
4chan, Facebook
Dude, no. source.
4chan, Facebook
Why am I so obsessed with llamas? source.
amhaggerty, Imgur
Ok guys, catch you on the flip side. I’ve got some office hours to attend. source.
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